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Welcome from the Chair of Trustees

I am proud to introduce myself as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for Thrive Education Partnership. My role as chair is to ensure the Board sets a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction for the Trust and to work closely with the CEO to ensure that the vision guides the operation of the Trust. I am responsible for leading the other Trustees and also accountable for the decisions we collectively make as a Board.

Our governance structures are set up like many other Trusts we have Members and Trustees (see Meet the Trustees & Members section). We are organised into a main Trust Board and a number of sub-committees such as Finance, Audit and Risk, Personnel and Pay etc.  All our schools have Local Governing Bodies (LGBs).

Governance functions are delegated to members, trustees, local governing bodies, CEO and CFO according to the trust’s Governance Scheme of Delegation.

Please see the other governance sections to read about who our Members and Trustees are (including me) and to have a look at how we structure our meetings throughout the year.

Julia Davey

Chair of Trustees

Contact details for Chair of Trustees

Mail can be sent directly to: Julia Davey, Thrive Education Partnership, 3rd Floor, 18-19 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5QJ

Alternatively, Julia can be emailed via: