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Meet the Local Governing Body: Corley

The Local  Governing Body (LGB) of Corley Academy is committed to working in partnership with the Headteacher, staff and students to promote high standards of educational achievement and pastoral care. Governors monitor the school’s activities by receipt of reports at meetings and conducting whole school self-evaluation monitoring visits on a half-term basis.

Each visit has a separate focus; Leadership and Management, Progress and Achievement, Teaching and Learning, Behaviour and Safety, External Agency Working and Curriculum.

Should you wish to contact the governors, please forward details in writing, marked private and confidential for the attention of Ms M Lea, Corley Academy, Church Lane, Corley CV7 8AZ.

Alternatively, you can email, marked FAO of Chair of Governors in the subject line. Please remember that this is not a confidential email and could be viewed by any member of our school office staff.